How setting up a smart home can reduce your electricity and water bills
The Laser Smart 10W LED Light Bulbs, Laser Smart Wi-Fi Plug with Dual USB and Power Monitor are all featured in this Tech Guide article.As mentioned in the article, Laser Smart products are recom …
Save Money on your Bills with Smart Devices
This Studio 10 segment presented by Stephen Fenech provided tips for a cost-saving smart home to counter rising bills of electricity and others, by recommending smart home products. Laser Smart l …
Essential Work-From-Home Setup Guide
Where once work-from-home (WFH) was not the norm, now everyone with a desk job has done it or is still doing it.Many are making new job opportunity decisions based on being able to work from home. Man …
Show the love while you're away with Tech4Pets' smart pet feeders
Valens Quinn from Gadget Guy explains the benefits of the Tech 4 Pets' Smart pet feeder and how it has helped him look after his pet cat Mittens while he is away.Valen Quinn writes... "Our pets …
Best Tech and Gadgets for Pets
Trevor Long shared on the Today show his best tech and gadgets for pets, from ways to manage pet hair at home and how to look after pets while not at home. Featured were 3 Tech4Pets product …